We had meeting at 1pm as usual, we were informed to bring extra set of clothing to change. Having had last year experience, I bought small towel as well! Last year, I regretted bring just t-shirt to change as I end up going home with only the top dry, rest of it was soaking wet (ok not fully wet but half wet by the time I go home) ! We sat in a big circle and introduce ourselves as there were many newcomers(as usual), after which we started playing games.
We formed group through playing blind mice, where we will all blind folded and given a number. I was given number 1 and I have to find the other who are in number 1 with the sound of fart! I go poo ... poo ... poo ... to find the rest and form up our team.
The people who were in number 2 have to made sound of Gangnam Style, which was easy for them loh ! The whole time while I am finding my group member I keep hearing "Sexy lady!" ! Then those in number 3 have to made the sound of horse. the sound they made were Heee ... Heee ... Forgotten what sound the people in number 4 have to made.
So we formed our group( a group of nine), and my group leader (one of the chief instructor for the camp) was Mun Kit. The group name are named as the sound we made to find our group members, which in our case was Poo ... And then we proceed to play station games.
The first station we went was water game station, the game master was Di Xun. At first, I thought we were so unlucky to play water game for first station, but then by the time we end the day we were almost dried le which is a good thing! So it is not really that unlucky. The water game we played was .... errr forgotten the name of the game, but the objective of the game is to fill the tube with water and get a floating ball, and to prevent the water from leaking out of the holes we have to cover it with our hands while one member pour the water into the tube. After two tries with different methods, we manage to obtain the floating ball!
We actually completed fast so we sit around in the water (which is made out of 4 benches and a ground sheet) to play some ice breaking game. We played watermelon game for awhile then the game master thought of another game which was something alike to charade. One person have to whistle out a song and the rest have guess. I was the first to try whistling, but I kept laughing as while i was whistling the game master kept on spraying water to distract me. Then Mun Kit was the second to try whistling out the song but before we succeed the time was up and we have to proceed to the next game.
Our second game was errr ... forgotten the game name as well, we have to move ping pong balls from a bucket to another bucket. The bucket with ping pong balls are attached with strings of different length and we are to hold on to the strings to move the bucket and pour the ping pong balls to another bucket without dropping any ping pong balls. There were different stages, the second stage was to pour all the ping pong ball excepts the marble. The tougher one was the last where the ping pong balls are place on a Frisbee that is on top of a bucket, we have to over turn the Frisbee without dropping any ping pong balls ! we tried several times before finally succeeding.
The third game was Helium hoop, we were split up into two mini group of 4 and 5. Each of us are to use one finger to support the hula hoop. We are to compete with each other to see which group can drop the hula hoop( from shoulder height) without touching the floor first. The losing group are to do forfeit which was placing a potato chip on the forehead and try to use facial expression to move the potato chip to the mouth and eat it. Then as a group, we are to use the shortest time to move the hula hoop from one end to another without dropping, we are timed to see which group (number 1 to number 4) use the shortest time to complete.
The four game, I forgotten what we played. Then end of 1st meeting, the objective of the day was actually to let the newcomer get to bond with experience instructor and basically have fun! :D
Second meeting (21/10/2012)
We had meeting at 1pm as per normal. Before the meeting there was a morning event called Foods Of Our Days that starts at 8.15am and many of us were involve in this event as volunteers. It was something like a food carnival for elderly, there were all sort of different types of food like Bird nest, Herbal Jelly, Bean curd, Soya milk, kuehs, ice ball, mock tail and many other. The morning event ended at around 12noon and we dismissed for lunch then gather at the Teck Ghee Community Club for meeting.
As usual we sat in a circle and introduce ourselves(as there are more newcomers), played some ice-breaking games and split into 4 different teams for the camp (this year the team was split quite early) and the theme of this year camp was Super Hero! I am in Spiderman aka Spidey (as 3 syllabus name is difficult to use in cheers so we call ourselves Spidey) Other then Spiderman, there are The Hulk, Batman and Captain America.
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Spiderman and Captain America! |
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Wei Kai balancing our group foot wear |
Then it was the newcomers presenting the ideas the team came out with to discuss with other teams for improvement they think the team should consider. Then dinner at the nearby coffee-shop.
Third meeting (28/10/2012)
The meeting start at 1pm as usual and we were in our own groups for our own discussion, new members who were not here for last two meeting will here ! :D We update them on the cheers we had, and our ideas for our group ID.
Then we were introduced the bidding system where we have to earn points starting from now till the ends of the camp, we can use this points to bid for items with other group like getting group corner on day 0, who to wash toilet on day 5 etc. We were given a long list of items we are to find (without spending a cents) that carries some amount of points we can earn.
Some items we are to find are alive ants, pandan leaf, free bubble tea (we manage to find a kind auntie that gave us a bit of pearl and milk tea! haha I still remember last year OLIP we are to get 2 free Starbucks Coffee!), 5 adult ez-links, 3 name cards, 1 parking coupon, rolex watch (we search picture of rolex watch from the photo :P ) and many other items.
After which was group discussion on the logistic items we will need for our games and some amendments of our games. And then learning dance like Mambo no. 5, choco lattle, speedy (forget the name le, only remember speedy something) then some danced para para, oh, geek, sorry sorry etc ...
And dinner at Ang Mo Kio centre and home sweet home ...
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